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Michal Szypowski Collection

Photos of Michal and his older brother Jozef (Part 1):

Pre-war Poland, and Stalag 11B, Prisoner of War Camp

Pre-War Poland

KONIN Military Cadet School  (1933-1936)

001 Michal  Szypowski.jpg

Michal Szypowski - Graduation photo

Henryk Bajcaż - Michal Szypowski - Jan Szozda

Henryk Bajcaż, Michal Szypowski and Jan Szozda were the top 3 students in their graduating class.  They each received a sword as their prize.

"Nie rzucim ziemi skąd nasz ród"  -  I will not abandon the land of my roots

Złoczów – Dwunaste Pułk Altilerjie Letkej - Łączność 

(12th Light Artillery Regiment - Signal Corps) 

Koszary Generała Józefa Bema  (General Joef Bem Barracks)

(where his father had served under the Austrians)

Pre-war photo taken at the unit where they were stationed.  Jan Szozda is second from right, Michal Szypowski is last one on the right.

Pre-war photos of Jozef Szypowski during his compulsory military service.- circa 1930.

W dowód naszej pryjażni z życia braterskiego ofiaruję na pamiątkę swoją postać wojskową wraz z kolegami wręczam swojemu najbliszemu koledze Miśkowi, kolega Nisko P. 

8 IV 1943

As proof of our close brotherhood I offer you a military photo of myself and my friends, to my closest friend Michal, your friend Nisko P.   8 IV 1943

Stalag 11B Fallingbostel, Germany

Stalag XI-B was a German World War II prisoner-of-war camp located just to the east of the town of Fallingbostel in Lower Saxony, in north-western Germany.

The first prisoners to arrive were Poles in late 1939, followed by French and Belgians the following year. By the end of 1940 around 40,000 POWs were registered there, although only about 2,500 of these were housed at the camp, with the majority assigned to various work camps in the area

Stalag IX-B was the administrative center for POW work details in the region. At its peak there were about 80,000 POWs working in 1,500 work details in agriculture and industry. Although prohibited under the Third Geneva Convention, POW from Stalag IX-B also worked in munitions factories.

Around 30,000 Soviet POWs died in Stalag XI-B and Stalag XI-D. Another 734 POW from the United StatesBelgiumBritainFranceItalyYugoslaviaSouth AfricaCanadaNetherlandsPoland and Slovakia died in Stalag XI-B and Stalag 357.

Interior of a barrck

Watch tower

Communal latrine

Work detail

Example of a POW dog tag

Michal's Personal Photos from Stalag 11B:

Photo of Michal from 1939/40

Written on the back:  To zdjęcie jest z niewoli z Niemiec.  Brat mój Szypowski Michał.  (This photo is from the POW camp in Germany.  My brother Michal Szypowski).

Jozef Szypowski on the left, Michal Szypowski on the right.  Womens' names are unknown

Work detail.  Names unknown

Written on the back:  Pamiątka z niewoli Niem. w szpitalu oboma lekażami i sanutoriuszami.  Na pamiątkę dla rodziców.  Wasz syn Michał.  28 IX 1943.   (Souvenir from POW camp in Germany at the hospital with both doctors and orderlies.  A souvenir for my parents, your son, Michal.  Return address is:  Camop X!B, Hospital 4014, Barrack 23)

Written on the back:  Pamiątka z niewoli z szpitalu Niemieckim z lekażami Serbskimi i Polskimi i sanutoriuszami.  Na wieczną pamiątkę dla rodziców.  Syn Michał.  28 IX 1943.   (Souvenir from POW camp hospital in Germany with Serbian and Polish doctors and orderlies.  A souvenir for my parents, your son, Michal.  28 September 1943)

The Polish doctors that were at this hospital:  Dr. Mądry, Dr. Popieł, Dr. Lewicki,  Dr. Przybylski, Nurse Nowak.

Written on the back of photo on the left:  Na pamiątkę!  Ofiaruję swoją podobiznę z czasów Niewoli drogiemu koledze J. Szypowskiego, Henryk Sosnowski. 

(A souvenir!  I offer my likeness from POW times to my dear friend J. Szypowski, Henryk Sosnowski).

Person on the right unknown

These 3 are unknown.

Written on the back:  Na pamiątkę swemu koledze Michasiowi, H. Dańczyk  or  Stanczyk.  4-ty rok niewoli.  5 V 43.   (Souvenir for my friend Michal,  H. Dańczyk  or  Stanczyk.  4th year as POW.  5 May 1943.

Written on the back:  I am sending you a photo of Jozef as a souvenir.

Written on the back:  As a souvenir, I am offering my friend my likeness.  Wicek Tadziowy (?)   2 XI 45.

Some of the POWs that were at Stalag 11B with Michal were:


  • Dajczak Piotr

  • Daszkiewicz Jozef

  • Dziaduch Jozef

  • Furgal Stefan

  • Kaliczak Wladyslaw

  • Komarowski Henryk

  • Ksiadzyna Wladyslaw

  • Kuzow Franciszek

  • Malawski Maxim

  • Nowak Edward

  • Opilko Wladyslaw

  • Pilecki Tadeusz

  • Popielarczyk Michal

  • Rusinowski Michal

  • Sobczak Pawel

  • Sosnowski Henryk

  • Suchorolski Jan

  • Szypowski Jozef

  • Wanat Antoni

  • Warowy Wladyslaw

  • Witkowski Tadeusz

  • Zaroslinski Franciszek


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