Related Theses and Papers
Labor for Bread
The Exploitation of Polish Labor in the Soviet Union during World War Two
Terror, Trauma, Totalitarianism
Stalin and Poland's Eastern Borderlands
The Katyn Massacre
An Assessment of its Significance as a Public and Historical Issue in the United States and Great Britain, 1940-1993
General Sikorski, Poland and the Soviet Union, 1939-1943
Down the Home Stretch at Santa Anita
The week the race track became a camp for Polish Refugee Children October 1943
World War Two
The deportation of Polish refugees to Abercorn camp in northern Rhodesia
A Selection of Essays
War and Memory in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Diaspora, Identity and the Canadian Media
The Case of the Second Polish Corps in World War Two and the Re-settlement of its Veterans in Alberta
Dealing with the Polish Problem
The Political Reaction to the Resettlement of the Post-War Polish Refugees in Great Britain
I Don't Want To Go Back
The complicated case of Polish displaced children to Canada in 1949
Cultural Retention
Cultural retention among Polish women who came to Canada between 1945 and 1960 as Displaced Persons or Immigrants
The Power of Polonia
Post WWII Polish Immigrants to Canada: Survivors of Deportation and Exile in Soviet Labout Camps
Migrant Memories, Migrant Lives
Polish National Identify in Leicester since 1945
War, Resettlement, Rooting and Ageing
An oral history study of Polish émigrés in Great Britain
War Experiences
The emotional health and well-being of elderly Polish migrants,
Histories, Stories and Memories
Narrating Polish pasts in Britain
Polish Culture during WWII
This paper examines the repressions levelled against Polish culture and the cultural resistance utilized by the Poles to protect their culture.