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Regina (Rozwadowska) GASZTOLD
Koja, Uganda, Africa
Witold Rozwadowski was deported with his wife, Melania, and children: Witold, Janina, Maria, and Regina. Released on 'amnesty', the family made their way south to join the Polish Army being formed in the USSR, and were then evacuated to Persia via Krasnowodsk. They spent some time in civilian camps in Pahlevi and TeheranPersia (Iran), before being sent to the Polish Settlement at Koja, Uganda in Africa where they stayed until September 1947. They then spent some time in the UK before emigrating to Canada.
Their son Witold joined the Polish 2nd Corps (3DSK) as private in the 13 Supply Company. He served in the Middle East and the Italian Campaign.
Another son, Michal, was shot and killed trying to escape arrest by the Russians in 1939.

Melania (nee Roginska) Rozwadowska, Witold Rozwadowski, and their son Witold

Melania (nee Roginska) Rozwadowska, Witold Rozwadowski, their son Witold, and daughter Janina (before WW2)

Regina's sister Maria

Regina's sister Janina

Melania in 1941

Regina Rozwadowska's First Communion

Mieczyslaw Cytera & his mother, Koja, Africa 1947

Regina's parents Melania & Witold, Koja, Africa 1947

Reginaand her 2nd High classmates, Koja, Africa 1947

Regina (2nd left) and Jan Gasztold's sister (1st left), Koja c 1943

A Boa Constrictor is killed, Koja,
Africa c 1943

Regina's Highschool class, Koja,
Africa c 1943

Group in Koja, Uganda, Africa c 1948

Scouting in Koja, Uganda, Africa c 1943

Italy, probably Casino, 1945

Regina's brother Witold, Italy 1946

Witold, 9 Nov 1953

Witold (at bottom 1st left) in Italy, 1945

Melton Marbray, 27 VIII 1949

Regina (1st left) Blockley, England

Brother Witold, bottom row (2nd from the left) at Montreal's Dom Polski

Regina (Bottom row, 4th from left) in nursing graduation class, Brockville, Ontario 1954

Nursing graduation class, Brockville, Ontario 1954

Regina\s sister Janina

Canadian citizenship ceremony c 1955

Regina's marries Jan Gasztold, 8 June 1957 - Jan parents bottom left, Maria Bogarowicz top, 1st right Prof Polonis and his wife.

Regina, Maria at their parents' grave, with Alexander Fiedorowicz, Ottawa 1959
Regina, Jan, and Jan's parents at Niagara Falls
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