Cadet in the Polish 2nd Corps
The family were deported to Siberia in February 1940. When released on 'amnesty' they traveled to the south of the USSR to join the Polish Army being formed there. Ludwik's mothert (Maria nee Szymanska) and his brothers Kazimierz (age 14) and Boleslaw (age 3) died in Uzbekistan. Ludwik was a cadet at the Mechanical School in Nazareth and Palestine, while his father Franciszek and brother Stanislaw joined the Polish 2nd Corps Franciszek taught cadets in the Middle East, while Stanislaw served in the 3DSK as senior rifleman, 3 Batallion CKM. His brother Jozef joined the Air Force cadets.

From left Jozef, Maria, Franciszek, Kazimierz, unknown girl, Stanislaw, c 1930.

From left: Franciszek, Maria, Grandmother (Klementyna Szymanska), Mother's sister (Anna Szymanska)

Franciszek Hajduk ID photo from before the war

Franciszek Hajduk ID photos from the 2nd Corps

Stanislaw Hajduk, Polish 2nd Corps

Jozef Hajduk, Air Force Cadet

Ludwik Hajduk, Cadet in Mechanical School

Cadets in Nazareth, 1944-45

Monastery in Nazareth, where the Cadet school was, 1944-45

Camp Barbara 1945_ Stanislaw recuperating after wound at Monte Casino_Ludwik in the center_Their father Franciszek instructor at the Junak School

Recruits trained by Ludwik's father at Camp Barbara in 1946_from Lyons France_They learned military skills_polish language_new to sons of polish settlers in France before war

Ludwik reporting to Sergeant Dolinski at Camp Barbara

Group of 2 Corps soldiers & cadets, Barbara 1946

Voyage to England, August 1947

Franciszek's pre-war ID

Voyage to England, August 1947

Franciszek's Soldier's Pay Book

Franciszek's death certificate, 1963

Land Granted to Franciszek in the Eastern Borderlands, January 1930

Ludwik Junak record

Maria Hajduk Death Notice