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Leokadia (Muchowska) OPIOLA
Deported with her parents, Jozef and Jozefa (nee Galinska), and her sister Maria, to Wołogodzka oblast, then Nowosybirska oblast. Her brother Roman escaped and stayed behind in Poland. After release, they spent time in the Middle East, and then in Valivade, India. They eventually settled in Canada.

Mother: Jozefa (Galinska) Muchowska

Father: Jozef Muchowski


Leokadia, her grandfather, her brother Roman - in front of their house at Osada Poniatowska.

Leokadia's 1st Communion

Sister: Maria

Brother: Roman


Osada Poniatowska

Osada_Polish School

Osada Poniatowka Village School

School in USSR

School in USSR

Girl Guides in Ahvaz, Persia (Iran)

Wedding in Slough, England
23 July 1949

Jan (family name unknown)

Leokadia in 2010
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