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Hela Moroz  (nee Pateluch)

Family photos from pre-war Poland,
the Middle East, India and the UK

01 Family photo from 1928

This is the earliest photograph I have of myself from my childhood in Poland. My parents with me as a baby in my mother’s arms and my sister Tekla, on the right. An aunt is on the left by my father (1928).

02 Anna wedding

After my sister Anna’s wedding to Jósef Szeliga, not long before war broke out. (My mother is on the groom’s left and my father is next to the priest, who is next to my sister Anna, the bride.) The group is in front of our house.

03 Hela Piotr Tola

Hela, brother Piotr and sister Tola in their new uniforms (Pahlevi).

04 Tekla Maria Helena in Isfahan

Tola, our mother and me in Isfahan.

05 Polish Girl Guides in Isfahan

This is a photograph of the convent, pupils and teachers at Isfahan. This building was where the adults were housed; the children had their own section.

06 Polish Girl Guides in Isfahan 2

With the Polish Girl Guides in Isfahan. I am the girl with plaits, third from right, second main row, next to two female teachers.

07 Meal at Convent in Isfahan

At a meal at the convent in Isfahan. On the extreme left is one of the cooks while a teacher is next to her. Another cook is on the far right.

08 Memorial Service for Gen Sikorski_Isfahan Adult camp 20

The memorial service after General Sikorski’s tragic death, Isfahan, where adult refugees stayed.

09 Hela and Sabina Marchewska in Valivade

It was in Valivade that I came to know Sabina Marczewska, later ‘Swiatek’

10 Pateluch Piotr and Jan

My father and brother in their wartime uniforms

11 Pateluch Jan

My father, with his medals, in Scotland.

12 Hela  arriving in UK
13 Maria Tola Piotr Hela

In Scotland. I am on the right with my brother, mother and Tola before she emigrated to Canada.

14 Hela

Hela - ready to go to a Polish dance

15 First meeting of Poles in India

I attended the first reunion of the Poles from India at the Ladbroke Grove Swimming Pool Hall, which proved to be a memorable day for me.

16 Rysiek Moroz

Rysiek went to the Polish Merchant Navy School in England in 1944

17 Rysiek Moroz

Rysiek Moroz at Polish Merchant Navy School_UK 1944_2

18 Moroz family

This is us together when the children were young. Barbara is the baby in my arms.

19 Emil and Hela

My younger son, Emil, joined the Royal Air Force, graduating from the RAF College, Cranwellin 1983

20 Moroz children

Left to right: Chris, Barbara and Emil, after my husband’s funeral.

22 Alicja and Hela

Alicja Swiatek Christofides, with Hela in 2013. Alicja is the daughter of Hela’s friend from Valivade Polish Camp, Sabina Swiatek (née Marczewska), who greatly treasured their friendship.

21 Hela Moroz

Hela Moroz

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