A Member of the Women's Auxiliary in the Polish 2nd Corps during WW2

Danuta with her parents and siblings on the 'osada' in Poland.

Danuta Mączka, a schoolgirl of 14 in Poland

Helena Mączka, Danuta's step-mother

Zosia Mączka, who died in hospital in Siberia, on Christmas Eve in 1940

Brother Tadek, in Jerusalem in 1944

Bogus Mączka, in the Polish 2nd Corps in 1945

Danuta in the Women's Auxiliary 316 Transport Co. in 1943

Danuta's father Stefan in the 1st Polish Armoured Division in Scotland in 1944

Danuta marries Jerzy Gradosielski, who was also a member of the Polish 2nd Corps, 19 August 1945
Members of the 316 Transport Co. with a vehicle like the one that Danuta drove.

Danuta and her first born child, Elzunia, in London in 1949

Danuta and Jerzy with their 6 children in London in 1985
Click on the player below to hear Danuta describe part of her experience in an interview on BBC Radio 4
Copyright: Gradosielski family