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Cadet in the Polish 2nd Corps
Antoni was deported to Siberia with his mother Ludmila, his maternal uncles: Tadeusz & Stanislaw Jasinski (both of whom joimed the 2nd Corps), and Mieczyslaw Jasinski (who joined the Polish Air Force. Antoni's father was a pilot who took part in the September Campaign in Poland and was missing in action. Antoni went on to join the Cadets and trained in the Middle East.
Antoni, before the war

Antoni, with his father Romuald, a pilot.

Romuald in pre-war Polish uniform.

Romuald Stelmach
DoB 1902 DoD 1939

Romuald was declared missing in action during the September 1939 Campaign.

Ludmila (Jasinska) Stelmach, Anoni's mother
DoB 1906 DoD 1989

Ludmila's Polish ID

Antoni's Gramdparents and Great-Grandparents

Ludmila's father in WWI uniform

Ludmila's brother Mieczyslaw served in the Polish Air Force

Ludmila's brother Stanislaw served in the 2nd Cotrps

Ludmila's brother Tadeusz served in the 2nd Corps

Drawing and Description of Posiolek 45

Route To and Out of the USSR

Drawing of Antoni done
in Siberia

Antoni caught a fish in Persia

Antoni joins the cadets

Antoni & his mother in Lebanon

Antoni & fellow cadets in Palestine

Ludmila & Antoni PRC document

Ludmila & Antoni UK addresses

Letter advising that her husband, Romuald, was reported missing in action in 1939.
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