Julia (Siomkajło) Szypowska
Photos from her time as a Polish WAAF in the UK
If you have any information about these photos, please let us know by using the contact form in the CONTACT section of this website
Julia and Joanna Siomkajło served in the Polish Air Force in the UK from 1944 - 1948. They attended courses at Wilmslo base, and were then stationed at RAF Sealand, RAF Hucknall, RAF Watnall, and then joined the Polish Resettlement Corps.
Women's' Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) course graduation photo taken
at the training center in Wilmslow, England - May 1944.
Julia Siomkajło = middle row, second from left
Joanna Siomkajło = first row, third from left
Anna Rogalska = kneeling, 1st row, 1st on the left
Maria Glentz = middle row, third from right
Signatures on the back of the graduation photo
Transcribed signatures on the back of the graduation photo
Another course graduation photo
Julia (Siomkajło) Szypowska = back row, center
Joanna Siomkajło = first row, first from left
Zofia (Grysiak) Madera = back row, first from left
Stanisława Sobun = back row, second from right
and Eugenia Walewska
Chaplain and Instructors with Polish WAAFs on a recruitment course at Wilmslow, May 1944.
Large group of Polish WAAFs at Wilmslow
Julia Siomkajło
Joanna, Tadeusz and Julia Siomkajło in England.
Tadeusz served in the 1st Polish Armoured Division.
Joanna Siomkajło
Back row (L to R): Joanna, Tdeusz and Julia Siomkajło
Names of others are unknown. Redcar, 22 Maz 1944.
WAAFs helping in the kitchen
Juiia in the center of doorway
Juiia second from right in centre row
Julia and Stasia
Scenes from Wilmslow
Polish WAAFs led by Lt. Helen Paszkowska, at Wilmslow, Nov 1943
Polish WAAFs march past during the visit of General Mateusz Izycki, commander of PAF, Oct. 1945.
Polish WAAF during the visit of General Mateusz Izycki, commander of PAF, Oct. 1945.
Far right: Maria Maculewicz, at Wilmslow May 1944.
Chaplain of the Polish Air Force, Captain Alojzy Kowalkowski, amid Polish WAAFs on course at Wilmslo, May 1944.
Polish Pilots and WAAFs, London 1945. (Zofia Madera on the far right)
Name unknon
Stasia, 23 Feb 1946
Joanna Siomkajło = 2nd from left, Julia Siomkajło = 4th from left
Julia Siomkajło = behind the bridesmaid on the left
Julia Siomkajło = 1st from left, Joanna Siomkajło = 3rd from left
Julia Siomkajło = back row, behind the groom
Julia Siomkajło = back row, behind the bride
Joanna Siomkajło = sitting in front
Julia Siomkajło = sitting in front
Back in civilian life
Wedding of Kazia Twardowska and Piotr Polacik
Name unknon
Joanna holding the baby, Julia in the center
Name unknon
Joanna Siomkajlo in London,
with friends
Joanna Siomkajło
novitiate in 1949
Julia Siomkajło
in 1949
Polish WAAFs on a ship
Polish WAAFs swearing an oath in England
RAF Sealand, where Julia and Joanna spent 2.5 yars ((1944-1946)
Hucknall air base where Julia and Joanna spent a year (1946-1947)
Polish WAAF shoulder patches
Nieuw Amsterdam, Holland America Line - the ship that brought Julia and Joanna to
the UK from East Africa.
This PDF file contains messages from fellow WAAFs as well as other passengers and crew