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Bolesław Lutomirski was born on August 14, 1881, on the Bylino estate in the Mazovia district of Poland.

His father, Albin Lutomirski, was the heir of the Bylino estate, dating back to the documented history of 1600. His mother, Jozefa, nee Chojick, also came from an old family.

The family raised their children in respect and love for their homeland. Bolesław, in accordance with family traditions, fought for an Independent Poland.On 1 July 1919. Bolesław joined the ranks of the 6th State Police District. In 1919. Bolesław married Kornelia Cywińska. They had two children: Kazimierz and Hanka


In the years 1924-1939 Bolesław served as a State Police Officer in the Investigative Office in Warsaw. He was awarded the Bronze Cross of Merit for his cervice.

After Germany’s invasion of Poland, Bolesław followed the order of the Chief Commander of the State Police and evacuated to the East, with the service documents. There he was arrested by the Russians and transported to the POW camp in Ostashków.  He was on the NKWD list of  April 1940.

He was transported by trian, with other State Police officers, to the headquarters of the NKVD in Kalinin (now Twer)  where, in the spring of 1940 they were all executed by a bullet in the back of the head. This was by the decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Office of the WKP. The bodies were buried in the forest near the village of Miednoje. There also lies Bolesław Lutomirski.

In the Field Cathedral of the Polish Army in Warsaw, in the Katyn Chapel, Boleslaw is included on the plaque of remembrance among 15,000 victims: Katyn, Kharkov, Mednoye and other places of execution by the Russians.

In November 2007 in Warsaw, ceremonies commemorating the soldiers and police officers executed by the Soviet security apparatus. There was also a ceremony of promoting the victims of the Katyn massacre by one rank. Bolesław Lutomirski was promoted to the rank of aspirant of the State Police.

On 28 April 2010 in the School Complex No. 5 at ul. Szczawnicka in Warsaw, as part of the program: “Katyń-preserve from oblivion” – students of the school put up a memory devoted to: “Aspirant to the State Police to Bolesław Lutomirskie, executed in Tver, 1940, by the NKVD.”

The war also went cruelly for his son Kazimierz. He was arrested by the Germans and transported to the concentration camp of KL Auschwitz on 14.06.1940. He got number 450 - as a Polish political prisoner. In April 194,1 he was transferred to the camp KL Neuengamme, where he received the number 5413. Then he was imprisoned in: KL Revensbruck – no. 2035, KL Dachau – no. 32103, KL Natzweiler – no. 4260,KL Mauthausen – No. 137738, where he stayed until the liberation of 1945.

Boleslaw’s wife, Kornelia Lutomirska survived the German occupation with her daughter in Warsaw. She spent years waiting for her husband to return, before learning if his fate.

Written by Wojciech Lutomirski, grandson of Boleslaw

Translated here from the original Polish.

Copyright: Lutomirski family

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